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In this section you'll be able to upload Graphs to CodeGPT therefore your Agent's knowledge!

Updated over 3 months ago

Graphs are a tool that allows you to connect your repositories with AI agents.

You can import graphs to the agents you want.

The repository must be located in your GitHub profile. Therefore, if it is a public repository, you must Fork it so that it appears in your profile.

Here’s a quick guide to Fork a public repository in GitHub:

You can Fork by going to the desired repository and click on the upper-corner where it says Fork, and then again on Create Fork

If you go to your GitHub profile and are able to see the new repository, congratulations! you’re ready for the next step!

How do I upload a Graph?

  • Go to CodeGPT’s Studio, to the Graphs section or follow this link: Graphs.

If it is connected to your GitHub profile, the option of + Create a new graph will appear.

(If not you'll have to connect your GitHub profile to CodeGPT by clicking on + Add connection).

  • Click on + Create a new Graph.

  • Fill the necessary data such as, Provider, Connection and Organization.

  • Click on Create Graph.

  • It will take a few moments to upload, you can Click on the wheel button next to Create a new graph to refresh the list.

  • Now you can import your repository to the agents you want through the Graphs section of each agent.

    Or just Click on the button + Add to Agent of the graph you just created!

Import a graph to an agent in CodeGPT:

  • Go to the Agents section in the CodeGPT-Studio.

  • Select the agent to which you want to import the graph.

  • Click in the agent's knowledge, and go to the Graphs section.

  • Here, you should see the list of all the graphs you've created. You can select the graph you want to import to this agent. And click on Plug selected Graph.

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