We took Joachim Schuster article's on "Fix Markdown Plugin in Android Studio in 2024" as a reference, you can read the original article here
1) Change JBR in Android Studio to fix the CodeGPT plugin
To ensure everything works smoothly with Giraffe, you'll need to update a specific registry entry. Remember to reboot your system for the changes to take effect. If you make this adjustment before choosing the boot runtime, you'll only need to reboot once!
The CodeGPT plugin needs a JBR (JetBrains Runtime) that includes JCEF. However, Google typically packages Android Studio with a JBR that doesn't have JCEF. The good news is that you can change this configuration!
2) Choose Boot Java Runtime
Open menu Help > Find Action… (⇧ Shift + ⌘ Cmd + A) and search for “Choose Boot Java Runtime for the IDE…” and execute
In the dialog open the drop-down and Select runtime
Take the default selection or choose from one with JCEF in its title. Confirm by clicking OK.
After downloading and installing, you have to apply the changes with a Restart now
That's it! You've configured Android Studio to use CodeGPT!
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