Here, you can also find details of your plan, your daily interactions, your payment method, and your renewal date.
Upgrade your plan:
Click on Manage Subscription in the Subscription section on CodeGPT-Studio or here
Go to Change Plan.
Select your desired plan.
And click on Continue.
Update Payment method:
Click on Manage Subscription in the Subscription section on CodeGPT-Studio or here
Click on Add Payment method.
Fill out the form using the updated payment method.
Click on Add, and you’re all done!
Update Billing information:
Click on Manage Subscription in the Subscription section on CodeGPT-Studio or here
Click on Update Information
Fill out the form with the updated information.
And click on Save when you’re done!
Keep this in mind!
When you cancel your subscription, you will lose access to all services and benefits associated with the plan. After the paid period ends, you will be downgraded to a Free plan.
Go to the subscription section on CodeGPT-Studio or here
You’ll see a Danger Zone.
Click on Unsubscribe.
And a pop-up window will appear. If you wish to proceed, click again on Unsubscribe.
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