We're making some changes to enhance your experience!
On the right-upper corner at CodeGPT's Studio you'll find this signature settings icon next to your notifications and profile picture:
Here you can manage your organization, team or your personal account.
Here you can change your name, username, password, email, and upload a profile picture or even delete your account.
Keep in mind!
Deleting your account will remove all your data from our servers, including your API keys. You can cancel this action within 30 days.
You can create a new account after deleting this one but we'll have to activate it manually.
API Keys
Here you can create your CodeGPT API Keys or see a list with the ones you've already created.
Do not share your API key with others, or expose it in the browser or other client-side code. This measure is taken to protect the security of your account.
Let's create your API Key!
To be able to create a CodeGPT API Key first you have to request access by filling this form
Click on Create API Key
Assign a name to your API Key
And that's it! you'll be able to see it on a list in the same section. You can delete it by clicking on the Trash can-Icon and it will be immediately deleted.
If you wish to customize the name and company logo/picture, this menu allows you to do that and invite Team Members.
Here's how to invite Team Members
Click on Invite Team Members
Type the e-mail address of who you want to invite to your Team/Organization
Click on Send Invitation
Your new Team member will have to accept the invitation, in the meantime it will show something like this:
Want to delete it? Simple, click on the Trash can-Icon and this window will pop-up:
Confirm and the team member will be deleted!
How did we do? If you want, you can give us your review here: CodeGPT
Join our Discord Community here!: Join the CodeGPT Discord Server!
If you have an issue with this you can document it in: Issues · JudiniLabs/code-gpt-docs
Or feel free to contact us if you need further assistance!